

Discover how Agent Lead to Close has helped real estate agents just like you achieve incredible results. Our clients share their experiences with our coaching, strategies, and support, highlighting the impact of our proven system on their success. Read these testimonials to see how personalized guidance and practical tools have transformed their lead conversion and business growth.

Sherry Foroutan

HomeLife Landmark Realty

I’ve had the privilege of working with James McDonald for several years, and his expertise in lead conversion training was truly transformative for my business. James is an outstanding teacher—both incredibly knowledgeable and deeply committed to his trainees’ success.

His training provided me with strategies that I was able to put into practice right away. James’s approach ensured that I could effectively convert leads into closed sales. The growth I’ve seen in my business as a result of his coaching speaks volumes about his skills and dedication.

I am immensely grateful for his guidance and training! I will continue to refer him to anyone seeking a reputable and results-driven coach in lead conversion. His impact on my professional journey has been invaluable, and I highly recommend him to anyone looking to excel in this field.

Austin & Lynn Goodale

Goodale Realty Team

There is a proverb, “He who walks with the wise, becomes wise.” I have been fortunate to experience the incredible depth of Lester Cox’s 40+ years in the real estate industry and his expert coaching.

His real estate insights and personalized approach have profoundly improved my business. His coaching sessions are both transformational and insightful, providing me with actionable steps to achieve my real estate goals.

One of the most important coaching tips Lester recommended was to use the Service for Life newsletter to stay top of mind with my clients and prospective clients. The newsletter is user-friendly, and packed with practical tips to keep my clients engaged and informed. And thinking of me for their real estate needs. Thanks to Lester, it has become a vital part of my referral program. This has been a game-changer, boosting both my referral business and my support for the worthy cause I support, The House of Refuge.

I highly recommend Lester Cox’s coaching and the Service for Life newsletter to anyone looking to elevate their life and achieve lasting success.

George Lorimer

Broker Associate

If you’re wanting to improve your lead conversion –  leads to appointments and appointments to contract, I recommend you talk to James MacDonald

James and Lester have a common sense,  empathetic approach that will get the results you want. 

Agent Lead to Close integrates what to say and how to say it, with your own words and personality. His lessons motivate too. 

I just finished a training where they taught me the best way to convert buyers to work with the  recent NAR changes. 

I have been coached by James MacDonald and Lester Cox for years and I recommend to anyone looking to improve their sales.

Jonathan Lahey


When I met James 15 years ago at a seminar he was doing in Bethesda Maryland I was a solo agent trying to figure it all out. Fast forward to today and I’m still utilizing the conversion concepts he spoke about that day only now I have my own team and earn millions in annual GCI. I would highly recommend taking his training and maximizing your conversion potential!!

Michael Robe

Michael Robe & Associates

My name is Michael Robe and I have worked full time in Real Estate for over 20 years.

During that time I have always been in the top 5-10% of Realtors in San Diego County minus 2007 and 2008.

Over the years I would have the normal (for most agents) peaks and valleys in my business, even though most years I would make well over $100,000.

I wanted to expand my business, but continued to hit a “ceiling” year after year.

When I first got into business I did have a coach and really did not have the success that I expected and felt I could spend my money more constructively on my own, so for years I tried this and that with no real change to my business.

Then in late 2019 I met James McDonald at a half day conference in San Diego. He spoke about the power of direct marketing, but to be involved I needed to attend a full 3 day seminar in Anaheim California to be able to sign up for a coaching program. I jumped at the opportunity and spent 3 days being completely mesmerized by what I was hearing. Not just about the program, but the culture of the agents involved. I could not wait to sign up and start this journey.

Once in the program I was introduced to my one on one coach, Lester Cox. This was literally life changing for me.

Over the next few years with both Lester and James’ coaching and mentoring I was able to move my business to huge gains year after year. When 2022 hit and interest rates increased massively, we had to shift and change many parts of my business. I could have never done this without the help of Lester and James. With their guidance and amazing insight to the real estate marketplace I was able to not only weather this change, but prosper. In 2024 I am having the best year I have ever had and while most agents are struggling to just get by, we are expanding and having a ton of fun making triple what I have ever done in the past!!

One of the solid marketing strategies has been getting more involved with my sphere of influence and at Lester’s suggestion we implemented using the Service for Life newsletter. This has put us top of mind with our sphere and has led to over well $100,000 in GCI this year so far alone!! The cost is minimal, but the rewards have been amazing!!

Lester and James are not just my coaches and mentors, they have become friends. This is what is truly different in this program is not only is the information and coaching invaluable, the friendships are the best part!

Do yourself a favor and get involved with both Lester and James. It will truly change your life!!

Bret Ceren

Associate Broker

Funny how a few simple changes in my approach to calling and converting leads has changed the results dramatically. Every class gives me a few more nuggets to help me improve my conversion. I did not need more leads, I just needed to connect and convert more of the leads I was already getting. I can’t recommend any training higher than my recommendation for Agent Lead to Close training.

Jim Bottrell

Founder, Jim Bottrell Real Estate Team

I first met James when I was attending a free half-day seminar he hosted. While I was doing fine in my real estate career, I was struggling with conversion. I had hoped that when I became a realtor that my Broker would teach me these things, but like so many others, no Broker ever did what they said they would do and I was losing a lot of business that I should not have lost.

James’ seminar was fascinating. Through his words and demonstrations, he showed me how easy conversion actually is. It’s really not that difficult at all, if you just know what to say and do. James is the one that showed me what to say and to do.

Today, 12 years later, James and I still speak constantly, his advice and practices are still relevant, and I utilize all of those things that I learned from him for my entire real estate team.



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+1 (760) 504-2266




2173 Salk Ave.
Suite 250
Carlsbad, CA 92008